Third Month Pregnancy : Care, Diet, Symptoms & Fetus Development

Third Month Pregnancy : Care, Diet, Symptoms & Fetus Development

The third month of pregnancy is extremely fast-paced. This is when the baby develops extremely fast. Needless to say, the mom experiences this in the form of changes in her body. The baby and mom are monitored consistently from this stage onwards to make sure that the rest of the pregnancy is smooth sailing. Also find FAQ.

Third Month of Pregnancy: Bodily Changes in the Mother

The baby bump becomes evident during third month of pregnancy. Besides this, there are several other changes that take place in the mom’s body as mentioned below.

  • Weight: Towards the end of the first trimester, you would have gained another 0.5 to 1 kg. 
  • Hormones: The body is still getting used to the hormonal changes at this stage. Estrogen begins to rise steadily triggering your mood swings during this stage.
  • Breasts become larger: The breasts continue to grow in size, preparing to feed the baby. The areola or the dark skin around the nipple also becomes larger and gets slightly darker. This is because of a type of hormone produced by the placenta that triggers the melanocytes responsible for pigmentation.
  • Visible line on the abdomen: A dark line is seen running down the center of the abdomen all the way to the pubic bone. This is also the result of increased melanocytes.
  • Sleep: Most women tend to have insomnia during the third month. They tend to wake up late after midnight and can find it hard to go back to sleep. The hormonal changes and the physical changes are responsible for this.
  • Stretch marks begin to show: You will notice stretch marks at the side of the breasts and on the belly. As they grow in size, the layers of tissue under the skin develop small tears that become visible.
  • Skin is itchy and dry: This is another symptom of the changes taking place in the body. It is a good idea to moisturize regularly from this stage onwards.  

Want to know about major changes in pregnancy visit here: MAJOR PREGNANCY CHANGES

Third Month Of Pregnancy: Developmental Changes in the Baby

The third month is a phase of quick developments in the baby. The baby grows in size and begins to move. Of course, you are unable to feel these movements as yet since the uterus is still over the pelvis. The most significant changes are:

  • Size: The baby is about 3.5 inches long and weighs close to 1.5 ounces.
  • The head: The brain is still developing. So the head looks larger than the rest of the body.
  • Skin: The skin of the baby is transparent and the veins are visible. This is also the month when fingerprints are formed.
  • The eyelids: The eyelids are formed completely and protect the eyes.
  • Musculoskeletal system: The bones and muscles begin to form and get “organized” at this stage.
  • Movements: The baby is able to twist, turn, kick and stretch by now. There are other movements like sucking the thumb, which begin in this month.
  • Organs: The heartbeats become more prominent. The pancreas becomes functional and insulin is produced. The kidneys are developed and are able to excrete urine.
  • Other changes: White blood cells are produced by the bone marrow. The nose and ears become visible. Fingers and toes along with fingernails and toenails become visible. The neck begins to take shape. Hair follicles develop at this stage.


Pregnancy Symptoms in Third Month Of Pregnancy: 

  • Nausea
  • Fatigue
  • Food Aversions or food cravings
  • Vaginal discharge
  • Possible development of acne
  • Mood swings
  • Heartburn
  • The appearance of varicose veins
  • Back and abdominal pain.
  • Cramps in the legs and hands.
  • Congestion due to inflammation of the nasal passage
  • Frequent urination
  • Loss of sex drive
  • Dizziness

Health Tips for Third Month Of Pregnancy

There are several tests and precautions that you need to take during the third month as mentioned below:

General Health

  • Consume lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, dairy products, meat, nuts, and seeds. You should make sure that all the vitamins and minerals required for the development of the baby are consumed.
  • You can take pregnancy supplements to ensure that there is no nutritional gap.
  • Get enough rest.
  • Make sure that you focus on cleanliness and hygiene, as you are prone to infections.
  • Drink lots of water.
  • Stay physically active.

Prenatal Check-Up

  • Weight and blood pressure must be checked.
  • Urine tests to estimate protein and sugar levels are mandatory.
  • The blood sample is taken to check the Rh factor and to check for any chances of anemia.
  • In case of swelling in the limbs, a fluid retention test is done.
  • An NT ultrasound, also called as the 12 week scan, is done to check for any chromosomal issues.
  • PAPP-A test is done to check for abnormal levels of the protein that is produced by the placenta in case of any chromosomal issue.
  • CVS Sampling is done on the 11th week to check for genetic chromosomal issues.

Eating healthy during pregnancy

The nutritional status of a woman during pregnancy depends on the nutritional reserves available in her body before getting pregnant. The healthy development of the baby depends on the health of the embryo that has formed. A healthy diet and lifestyle free from habits like smoking, alcoholism etc., ensures that a woman produces healthier eggs in her ovaries. A healthy egg ensures the formation of a healthy embryo and then develops into a healthy baby.

Iron rich foods should also be an important source here as most mothers tend to have low haemoglobin levels and may become anaemic. Each meal must include the following:

  • All leafy green vegetables, preferably organic and washed properly.
  • Milk and other sources of calcium like cottage cheese, curd, cheese or tofu.
  • Lentils and beans like chickpea, peas, runner beans, kidney beans, lima beans. Edible legumes like ‘arhar’, ‘moong’, ‘masoor’.
  • Fish is the best source of Omega 3 fatty acids, especially river fish like Salmon. Fish which are high on mercury level should be avoided. Shellfish have a lot of Omega but they should be avoided during pregnancy as they can cause allergic reactions.
  • Opt for healthy oils like soybean oil or canola oil.
  • Fortified foods such as eggs, yoghurt, juices, milk and soy beverages also have Omega-3

Don’t Forget to Read: Healthy Diet Plan for Pregnant Women


Third Month Of Pregnancy: FAQs

When is the right time to announce pregnancy?

It is advised that the parents wait until the 12th week. This is when the risk factors are fewer.

When will the bump become visible?

The appearance of the baby bump may vary from one individual to the other. Usually, it begins to show between the 12th and 16th week of pregnancy.

Why is the ultrasound required?  

The ultrasound ensures that the baby is developing correctly. It helps check the heartbeat and can even determine the due date accurately.


Read Also: Is It Safe To Get Waxed During Pregnancy?

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