5 ways to prevent your baby from falling off the bed

5 ways to prevent your baby from falling off the bed

Most parents would get nightmares just thinking of the baby falling off from the bed. But once the baby learns to roll over, it is a common scenario. The little one is not accustomed to the bed and might have trouble learning how to get off the bed. Injuries cannot be avoided with the little ones but can be reduced by following the below steps:

  • Move your toddler to a small bed
Cribs with long sides help to keep the toddler secure in one place and reduce their chances of falling. The toddler beds are often painted with things that they love like cartoons or objects. This makes them feel happy and not trapped in one place. They can spend more time in their cribs and you can also focus on your work. Keep a mattress on the floor if your child has a tendency to fall off the bed often. Even if they fall, they will not hurt themselves.
  • Tighten the sides of the bed
Make sure your bed does not wobble. Tighten the screws of the bed which could result in the falling of your baby. Check the stability of the bed every few months if necessary. In addition, place your beds away from the windows, shelves and other objects. This will reduce the chances of more accidents in the future. Keep objects far from the reach of the children. This way they will not be tempted to reach out and fall off the bed.
  • Place the child’s side of bed against the wall
You know the side your child likes to roll on to. Place the bed against the wall eliminating his chances of falling. If that cannot be done, then place pillows on both sides of his bed creating an obstacle. Place a bean bag or pillows to reduce the chances of injury to your toddler. If you have a bunk bed, never place the small kid on the top of the bed.
  • Co-Sleep with your child
Co-sleeping with the child can reduce the chances of them falling or rolling over. If you are a sound sleeper then make sure you secure the baby. Be sober when you are sleeping with your child. There are many parents who do not realize which side they are rolling or how tight they are holding the baby when they sleep.
  • Buy guard rails online
There are many products available online which can be attached and detached when not required. A few of them are also available which can be inflated or deflated when not in use. For people who constantly shift, these kinds are the best to use. There are some DIY side rails also available. Click here to see guard rails. At the least, one can co-sleep with their babies on the floor. This eliminates falling completely. There are many mothers who place a mattress on the floor because their toddlers fall a lot from the bed. Want to share your mommy experience with other moms through words or images? Become a part of the Moms United community. Click here and we will get in touch with you

