11 signs during pregnancy when you must see a doctor

11 signs during pregnancy when you must see a doctor

Pregnancy is one of the toughest phase for a woman and can be full of emotional and physical challenges. Most women may not bother about mild changes in their body like being anxious, confused feeling nausea etc. since they are very common during this pregnancy.

While there are numerous symptoms that may seem to be normal, there are also certain issues that might need attention. Throughout the pregnancy, it is always sensible to visit your doctor if you encounter any abnormal symptoms to avoid unnecessary risks.

Below is a list of 11 signs that you must not ignore and visit your doctor at the earliest.

#1. Heavy Bleeding or Spotting

Due to the sensitivity in the cervix, it is possible to experience light spotting during pregnancy. However, if the bleeding gets moderate to heavy, it is advisable to visit the doctor. Vaginal bleeding can lead to conditions like miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, placenta previa, etc. and hence should never be ignored. The various reasons to experience spotting during the second or third trimester may include:

  • Infections: Some women may experience cervical bleeding due to infections. The underlying cause needs to be examined in such cases.
  • Subchorionic Hemorrhage: This means bleeding occurred around the placenta and might result in preterm labor.
  • Abnormal growth on the placenta, or abnormalities in the fetus may also occur which is called as molar pregnancy.

#2. Abnormal Headaches

It is important to give attention to yourself if you experience persistent headaches especially ones that make you feel dizzy or give you a fainting sensation or blurry vision. Fluctuation in hormones, lack of sleep, dehydration or stress may be major causes of these headaches. It is advisable to consume water on a regular basis. Other reasons of headaches during pregnancy may include tight muscles in the head, sinus congestion, low blood pressure, caffeine withdrawal, migraine etc.

Make sure to always sit down comfortably or talk to someone around so that you can slowly get to normal and visit your doctor immediately. An immediate call to the doctor should be made in case of any headaches accompanied by any of the following symptoms.

  • If there is difficulty in speaking or tingling in the arms or legs.
  • If there is pain in the upper segment of the abdomen.
  • If you experience loss of control on stools or urine.
  • If there is a sudden weight gain or swelling in hands or legs.

#3. Painful Urination

Frequent urination may be during pregnancy, but pain and burning sensation caused upon the bladder are not normal signs and may be indications of a bladder infection. Bladder infections are common yet require medical attention.

To prevent an infection it is always good to keep yourself well hydrated, wear cotton underwear and try to avoid wearing tight leggings. A severe bladder infection may also result in preterm labor and low weight in babies.

#4. Severe Attacks Of Pelvic Pain

Pregnancy does not just cause stretching of ligaments and changes in hormonal levels, but also shifts the organs inside to make space for the growing uterus. Though pelvic pain is normal during this time, sometimes pain can be accompanied by bleeding, discharge or strong cramps.

Other reasons for pelvic pain may also include growing ovarian cysts, round ligament pain, pressure from baby’s weight, constipation, UTI etc. Usually stretching and regular exercising helps in getting relief from these pains but it is strongly recommended to visit your doctor if the pain sustains for a longer period or is accompanied by fever.

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#5. Chills Or High Fever

Fever during pregnancy can pose an additional threat to your baby’s health. During the early stages in pregnancy, normal growth and development of the baby requires steady and healthy body temperature and disturbance to this may cause a flux on your system which may even lead to miscarriage.

Normal body temperature during pregnancy ranges around 98.3 degree to 103 degree Fahrenheit. Experiencing chills or fever during later stages of pregnancy would not cause much harm to the baby, but any sort of infection may still require you to visit your doctor.

#6. Heavy Vaginal Discharge

Vaginal discharge called Leukorrhea takes place during pregnancy. It is a thin, milky, white and usually odorless liquid that is normal during pregnancy. But a serious sign of trouble is when there is heavy vaginal discharge. If there is any rush of liquid before 37th week of pregnancy, it could be signs of preterm labor, also called preterm PROM.

PROM stands for Premature Rupture Of Membranes and occurs when the membranes that surround the amniotic fluid break down earlier than normal. One sign of the water being broken is when the fluid comes out of your vagina. This should be immediately addressed and may result in an early labor.

#7. Reduced Fetal Movement

During the second trimester, fetal movement slowly begins where you feel the kicks and movements of the baby strongly. These movement are signs of developing fetus and progress in pregnancy.

Most doctors also suggest to count the number of kicks you experience during the day and a lack of these movements from your baby might need you to consult your doctor. It is said that natural fruit sugars help to boost the baby’s blood sugar levels and can help to move again. However if there is no help and you do not feel any movement, please call your doctor immediately.

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#8. Loss Of Appetite

Loss of appetite is a yet another common problem faced during pregnancy due to the constant feeling of nausea and also morning sickness. But since nutrition is extremely important, loss of appetite for a longer time can steal away the essential nutrients from the baby which will hinder its normal growth and development.

It is therefore important to keep a close check on any sudden loss of appetite and consult your doctor immediately if a situation like this arises.

#9. Blurry Vision

Excessive swelling of the face or high blood pressure may be a few reasons for experiencing difficulty in vision and would call for a need to visit the doctor for the necessary treatment. Headaches or dizziness are also common reasons to face blurry vision. A visit to your doctor will give you an idea of safe and quick options to solve this problem and have a safe pregnancy.

#10. Sudden Swelling Of Limbs And Face

An abrupt and considerable swelling of limbs may be a sign of acute water retention. It may be a condition called Preclampsia which occurs in pregnant women usually after 20 weeks of pregnancy.

In Preclampsia, a lot of small blood vessels get compressed in the liver, kidney, brain and other organs. It can also constricts the large blood vessels leading to high blood pressure. Preclampsia is also marked with high protein content in the urine and may need immediate doctor’s assistance.

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#11. Any Fall During Pregnancy

This is an ultimatum to your need to visit your doctor immediately, as any sort of fall experienced during pregnancy should not be neglected. An accident or any fall on the abdomen would require extra care to ensure safety of both the mother and the baby.

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