Seventh Month Of Pregnancy : Care, Diet, Symptoms & Fetal Development

Seventh Month Of Pregnancy : Care, Diet, Symptoms & Fetal Development

When you enter the third trimester, you will truly feel the big day approaching. Even though it is still far away, you can feel your baby’s presence now. You get bigger and will also start seeing your doctor more often. So, what else does this month have in store for you and your baby? Lets find out what are the changes can happens in the seventh month of pregnancy.

Seventh Month Of Pregnancy: Changes in the Mother

Lots of things will change in the seventh month. From the way that you feel, the way you move and the even the way the baby moves will be different. Here are the most significant changes in this month:

  • Weight: The weight will continue to increase at about 500g to 1kg each month. This is when you will notice how quickly your baby actually grows at this stage.
  • Difficulty walking: At this stage you will the shift in the center of gravity, making it harder for you to walk around. You may also find it hard to balance yourself. Movement becomes slower at this stage.
  • Growing pressure: There is a lot of pressure on the stomach, diaphragm, intestines, and liver as the baby continues to grow. The pelvis and the rib cage will begin to feel sore.
  • Increased blood volume: You have more than 30-50% of the normal blood volume in your system now. This is to ensure that the fetus is getting all the nourishment that is required. In addition to that, this makes up for all the loss of blood during delivery.
  • Kick counts: From the seventh month onwards, keeping a kick count is a good idea. This ensures that the baby is okay. Ideally, you should feel about 10 flutters, kicks, rolls and swishes every two hours. It is recommended that you also count the time it takes for the baby to make three movements. Ideally, three movements should be felt every half hour. Sleep: Insomnia is common at this stage as you get more uncomfortable by the day. You will also feel more pain in your back with the growing size of the baby. It is a good idea to sleep with a pillow under the belly for support.
  • Milk production begins: The breasts become heavier and tenderer. You will also begin to produce milk which will leak from time to time.

Fetal Developmental or Changes in the Baby During Seventh Month of Pregnancy

The baby begins to look fully developed now. However, there are several changes taking place as mentioned below:

  • Size: The baby is between 900- 1350gms in weight and is about 15 inches long by the 7th month.
  • Position: The baby is vertically placed with the head towards the cervix and is preparing for birth.
  • Brain and nervous system: This develops faster and the baby becomes sensitive to smell, sound, and even music,
  • Eyes: The eyes start to open and are even able to respond to darkness and light.
  • Skin and hair: The skin appears wrinkled and red and fat begins to accumulate under it. The hair that covers the skin begins to shed.
  • Organs: The lungs and the gastrointestinal tract begin to function.
  • Other changes: The bones start to harden while the skull remains soft. The baby develops a very distinct sleeping and waking pattern.

Seventh Month Of Pregnancy Symptoms

  • Fatigue
  • Heartburn
  • Increased vaginal discharge
  • Mood swings
  • Backaches
  • Anxiety pangs
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Shortness of breath
  • Varicose veins

Seventh Month Of Pregnancy: Things to Take Care of

Take good care of yourself in the fourth month of pregnancy with these simple tips:

General Health:

  • You need about 500 more calories each day making the total calorie intake between 2200- 2500 per day.
  • Besides the regular pregnancy nutrients such as iron, folic acid, and calcium, it is a good idea to increase your omega 3 intakes as the cognitive and visual abilities of the baby begin to develop.
  • Ample fluid intake is a must.
  • Staying active is very important as it helps in delivery and also in recovering after delivery. Choose less strenuous exercises like slow walks. Swimming is also recommended. Make sure that you check with your doctor before trying any physical activity.
  • Get enough rest.
  • Avoid loud music as the baby is able to hear at this stage and may get startled.
  • Avoid long trips by car. Most airlines do not allow pregnant women to travel at this stage without a medical certificate. If you drive around, it is a good idea to stay in the backseat if you are not driving.
  • Any bleeding from the vagina must be treated as an emergency at this stage.

Read this also: Benefits of Coconut Water During Pregnancy

Prenatal Check-Up

  • A regular check-up which includes a weight check and blood pressure check is done.
  • Urine tests are done.
  • The fetal heartbeat, the fundal height of the uterus, the shape and size of the uterus and the position of the baby are monitored.
  • In case the mother is Rh Negative, a Rhogam injection is recommended.


Foods to avoid to prevent gas during pregnancy

Though it is normal to have air in your digestive tract, the gas accumulation gets worse as your pregnancy progresses. For many pregnant women, constant burping/belching and passing gas can cause constipation and utter discomfort. There is no option other than belching to release the accumulated gas. However, if frequent gas accumulation is causing discomfort and embarrassment to you then there are few measures you can take to prevent the higher production of gas.

  • Have a well-balanced diet.
  • Eat smaller meals throughout the day.
  • Eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly.
  • Take a short walk at your own pace. This will stimulate your digestive system.
  • Increase your fluid intake to prevent constipation.
  • Always cook the vegetables and lentils before eating. Raw ones are harder to digest and can cause gas accumulation.
  • Avoid wearing tight clothes.
  • Avoid chewing candies, bubble gums and chewable mouth freshers.

Seventh Month Of Pregnancy: FAQs

What are the signs of premature labor?

The signs of premature labor are:

  • Bright red vaginal bleeding
  • Over five contractions each hour
  • Swelling in the hands and face
  • Painful urination
  • A gush of clear liquid from the vagina
  • Acute vomiting
  • Intense pressure in the pelvic region.

How to relieve backaches?

Make sure that you keep a good posture, wear comfortable shoes and sleep on a firm bed.

What to do in case of gestational diabetes?

Gestational diabetes will require nutritional changes and regular monitoring of the blood sugar levels.


Read Also: Makhan During Pregnancy

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