9 Things You Should Know While Seeking Nursery Admissions

9 Things You Should Know While Seeking Nursery Admissions

With nursery admissions just round the corner, it is natural for parents of toddlers to feel a little apprehensive and maybe even confused. The choices are many and yet picking one school as the most suitable for your child can be a daunting task. To make your job easier here is a list of some important things to know before seeking nursery admissions.

9 things to know before seeking nursery admissions:

#1. When should you start looking?

It is never too early for you to start looking for a good nursery for your child. But, remember, the earlier you start, the more stressful it is. And, you may miss out on the wonderful growing years of your child amidst all the paperwork. Ideally, your child must be admitted in nursery when he or she is 3-4 years of age. So, having a head start of 6-12 months is perfect to help you keep your options open and also apply for schools in time. Also read: 9 Important Things To Keep In Mind While Choosing A Preschool For Your Baby

#2. What is the education philosophy you are looking for?

This is one of the most important things to know before seeking nursery admissions. What type of environment do you expect in the school? Make sure that your child gets ample opportunities to learn on their own. In some schools learning by drilling concepts in at a young age is a common practice. It is a good idea to look for a school that is more open and also allows some opportunity for parents to be involved.

#3. What opportunities does your little one have in the school?

If you are wondering what to look for during nursery admissions, this is a great starting point. The more extra-curricular activities and on-ground activities you have, the better it is for your little one. It helps him or her learn better and grasp concepts better. It also makes school a lot more interesting. Also read: How to know if your child is bullied in school

#4. What is the general qualification of teachers?

Parents must know who will be teaching their children at school. You may look into the minimum qualification of teachers and the special training that they are given to carry out specific curriculum. For instance, in a Montessori school, having teachers who are trained to deliver this type of class is a must.

#5. What skills are required before admission?

Does your child need to know the alphabets or a certain language before entering a certain school? Is potty training mandatory? What other skills is the school looking for? These are some of the top things in the list of what to look for during nursery admissions.

#6. How are the children disciplined at school?

The disciplinary measures that are used in a school will tell you a lot about the educational philosophy of the school. Do they use traditional methods of discipline or do they encourage children to understand their actions and consequences? You must make sure that the school’s disciplinary measures are in line with the ones that you use at home to help the child understand better. Also read: How To Get Your Kids Love To School

#7. What are the admission dates?

The last thing you want to do is apply late for a preschool that fits the bill completely. Today, competition even at the nursery level is very high. You will have to keep an eye on the admission dates of the school that you are keen for your child to join. Usually nurseries have a date for the admission window opening and a last date for submitting the admission forms. Then, you will get a first and second list that will tell you if your child has been accepted in the school or not.

#8. What documents do you need?

Keeping all the documents that you will need handy will make the admission process a lot easier. The general list of documents needed includes:
  • Passport sized photos of the child
  • Copy of Adhaar card of the child and parents
  • Copy of passport (if available) of the child and parents
  • Address Proof including electricity bill, passport etc.
  • Special documents in case of single parents, children with special needs etc.

#9. Is there a selection process?

Some schools allot points based on different skills such as reading, speaking, behavior etc. Other schools have a standard procedure that involves an interview with the children and parents. Knowing the exact selection process helps you prepare yourself and your child better and increases the chances of getting admitted in a school of your choice. Also read: 9 Best Nursery Poems which your baby will love to listen You can look for all the details mentioned above on the official websites of the schools that you want to apply for. Want to share your experience as a mom with other moms through words or images? Become a part of the Moms United community. Click here and we will get in touch with you  
