Safe Days for Not Getting Pregnant: Complete Information

Safe Days for Not Getting Pregnant: Complete Information

A sexual intercourse with your partner gives immense pleasure. But when it comes with a baggage for getting pregnant and if you are not at all ready, then it becomes a task. Having children is the most wonderful thing that has been blessed to mankind. But not everyone is ready to become a parent or have a sibling for your first born.

There are many birth control pills available in the market but if you can take a little extra precaution and know the safe days for not getting pregnant, you can enjoy that intimate relationship with your partner without any fear.


The Days of Ovulation:

For many women ovulation occurs on the 14th or 15th day of your period cycle. An egg lives for about 1 day or 24 hours after ovulation, while a sperm can live inside for up to 6 days. This makes you fertile for almost 7 days in a month- 5 days before your cycle and 1 day after your ovulation happens. So if your due date is 10th then your fertile period will begin from 5th onwards and continue till 11th or 12th. Some women ovulate early, depending on their cycle, if they have a shorter cycle (like 22 days cycle). Some women who have longer or irregular periods have longer cycles and ovulate late (like 34 days cycle). Thus it is very important to know when you are ovulating in order to time having sex and knowing those safe days.


For those who do not know about when they ovulate or have irregular cycles, using birth control pills or precautions like a condom is the best means to have sex.


What is a ‘safe’ day for not getting pregnant?

Safe day is the time when a woman has fewer chances of getting pregnant without having contraceptive pills. A safe day is the time period when it is perfectly safe to have sex without worrying about getting pregnant. This is the time when there is no egg in the woman’s body. This period is known as the infertile period in your menstruation cycle.

Also read:  7 Birth Control Options To Prevent Pregnancy

Safe Days for Not Getting Pregnant:

1. It is not easy to know exactly when the woman would start her next menstruation in case of irregular periods. However, if your periods are mostly regular, it is easy to calculate the days of ovulation. How? You need to use the dates of previous menstruation as a starting point.

It is important to note that an egg can only be fertilised four days before ovulation and three days after ovulation. In other words, this is not the safe period, and you should avoid intercourse during this period.

Example: If a woman’s menstruation cycle is from 1st to 4th every month. Then from 10th to 17th is the unsafe time when she should not have sex.


2. Many women also believe that it is safe to have sex and avoid getting pregnant just after their period starts or just before it begins. This can be done only if your cycle is a regular one (that is, 28 days or so). If your period happens on the same day every month then seven days before your periods should be the safe period. But this will not work if your periods are regular. And if you have miscalculated then a missed period can mean pregnancy.


3. Some women notice cervical mucus when they are close to ovulation. Thus this time suggests that you are nearing ovulation and is not safe to have sex. Your body is most fertile on days when you have an increase in cervical mucus. This mucous will be white and stretchy and sex during this time can lead to pregnancy. So if you have irregular periods, look at this sign as a means to calculate your ovulation.

4. Calculate your time of Ovulation. Your safe days are calculated based on your ovulation. The popular Safe Period Calculator method (recommended by the WHO) follows the day 1 of your menstruation cycle to day seven pattern. This means that if your cycle begins on 10th of a month so that is day 1. Your safe period will be till 18th of the month. This is only if you have a regular menstrual cycle lasting 26 to 32 days. This also considers that the lifespan of the sperm in the reproductive canal is 3 to 5 days. Thus with this calculation your ovulation will occur on day 19th or on the 28th of the month in the above example. Therefore, fertilisation can occur until the 20th day of the cycle.


5. Keep a tab on your menstruation cycle and the days. The best you can do is to avoid your fertile days as they vary from women to women. Keeping track of your periods for at least six months will help you map your fertile days.


Steps to Calculate your Fertile Days:

  • Keep a track of your period days for at least 6 months.
  • Subtract 18 days from the total days of your shortest cycle. Now using the resulting number count from the first day of your next period and mark that date on your calendar. Example: If your shortest cycle is for 28 days your resulting number is 10. Thus count 10 days from the first day of your next period and that is the starting of your fertile day.
  • Subtract 11 days from your longest cycle. Using that number, count forward from the first day of your next period and mark it on your calendar.
  • Your most fertile period is between those marked dates. It should be safe to have unprotected sex any time other than those dates.


Example of a woman who has 24 days between her 2 menstruation cycles. This means that her ovulation would be ten days after the first day of her last period. Safe period would be from Day 1 of the period to Day 6 of the last period and from day 13 onwards till her next period.

Also read:  Contraceptive Pills – Usage, Side Effects, and Alternatives

Example of a woman who has 32 days between her 2 menstruation cycles. Her ovulation would be 18 days after her last period. Thus her safe period would be from day one after the last period to day 14 and from day 21 to the next period.


There are many tools available that calculate your ovulation period if you have irregular menstrual cycle. The best is to use a precaution to avoid getting into the hassles and enjoy having intercourse.


Also read:  How to Avoid Pregnancy

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