5 Simple Recipes You Can Make With Your Kids

5 Simple Recipes You Can Make With Your Kids

Cooking is a basic life skill and something everyone should know. Children who learn to put together a simple meal take pride in their ability to feed themselves, their siblings and friends. You can start involving your children in the kitchen from the age of 5 starting with simple tasks like measuring and counting..

Surely, kids that young will make a mess, but the benefits of kids learning to cook far outweigh any mess they make. Let’s take a look at 5 recipes you can make with your kids.

Benefits Of Cooking With Kids

  • Cooking provides parents and kids an excellent opportunity to bond as a family. It is a time for parents to teach children about their local produce and cuisine and pass down family recipes.
  • Cooking at home with kids will give you the opportunity to teach your children the nutritional benefits of a home-cooked meal rather than eating store-bought processed food. Kids who learn to cook turn into self-sufficient adults who are capable of taking care of their food requirements.
  • Cooking helps children develop an interest in food. Fussy eaters especially benefit from getting involved in the kitchen as handling ingredients and cooking helps them overcome their concerns about food. The food they help make themselves does not seem so unfamiliar.
  • Cooking can be a great tool for learning maths and science. All the weighing and counting helps children get comfortable with numbers. Children receive a lesson in science when they observe how different food items react under heat or cold.
  • Time spent in the kitchen can be used to teach kids about safety – how to carefully handle sharp objects, not touch hot things, and handle electrical appliances only while wearing the right, protective footwear. Of course, it is for the parents to decide what is the right age to teach the kids which safety measures.

Also read: 7 Summer Cooler Recipes For Your Kids

5 Recipes You Can Make With Your Kids

Cooking with our children can be a fun way to spend time with them and also teach them some life-long skills. Here are 5 recipes you can make with your kids.

#1. 3 Ingredient Nutella Brownies

Have you caught your kids quietly sneaking and eating spoonfuls of Nutella in the kitchen? Then they will love to bake and eat these super-simple Nutella brownies with you. These delicious brownies made using 3 ingredients can be the first thing your kids’ help make.


  • Nutella – 1and 1/4 cup
  • Eggs – 2
  • All-purpose flour (maida) – 1/2 cup


  • Get your kids busy measuring the Nutella and all-purpose flour in a large mixing bowl.
  • Crack 2 eggs in the same bowl and mix all the ingredients into a smooth batter.
  • Spread the batter in a 1-inch thick layer on a baking tray and smooth the top with a spatula.
  • Preheat oven to 350°F and bake for about 15 minutes.
  • Cut the brownies once the brownies cool.

#2. Easy To Make Cookies

Every child’s favourite snack – milk and cookies! They’ll love it even more if they have made these cookies themselves, with a little bit of help from you. Our easy-to-make cookie recipe is for vanilla cookies, but you can easily turn it into choco-chip cookies or fruit and nut cookies by adding chocolate chips or dried fruits and nuts.


  • All-purpose flour – 3 cups
  • Baking soda – 1 teaspoon
  • Salt – 1/4 teaspoon
  • Unsalted butter – 1 cup at room temperature (not melted)
  • Sugar – 1 cup
  • Egg – 1
  • Vanilla extract – 2 teaspoons


  • Get your kids busy measuring the flour, baking soda, and salt. In a mixing bowl sift the flour, baking soda and salt together to mix them well.
  • Now the parents step in. In another bowl using an electric mixer, beat the softened butter and granulated sugar until light in color and fluffy. Add the egg and vanilla and continue beating for a couple of minutes.
  • Turn off the electric mixer.
  • Add the dry flour-salt-baking soda mixture and then continue beating on low speed until well-combined but not over beaten.
  • You should get a thick dough-like mixture. The kids and you can roll the dough in one-inch diameter balls.
  • Roll the balls in colourful sprinkles or chocolate chip or coconut flakes or dried fruit depending on what cookies you are making.
  • Place the balls on a baking tray about 2 inches apart. Freeze in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes.
  • Bake them at 350 degrees F in the preheated oven for about 14 minutes.
  • Remove from the oven and cool completely.

Also read: Fun Summer Recipes Your Kids Will Love!

#3. Grilled cheese sandwich

All kids love cheese. Cheese is an excellent source of calcium and helps kids build strong bones and teeth. Kids will love making this sandwich by themselves in a toaster and are sure to make it a regular snack.


  • Whole wheat bread – 4 slices
  • Cheese slices – 2
  • Butter – as required
  • Oregano to taste


  • Have the kids spread softened butter on 2 slices of bread.
  • Ask them to place a slice of cheese on one, and sprinkle a little bit of oregano on it. Cover it with the other buttered slice.
  • Help your kids heat up a grill toaster and grill the sandwich until browned.
  • In case you do not have a toaster, make the sandwiches and brown them on a non-stick tava till the cheese melts.
  • Your kids will enjoy these cheese sandwiches with ketchup as either breakfast or a snack.

#4. Cake-in-a-cup

Who doesn’t love cakes? And when they are so easy to make and made by the kids themselves, they love them more, especially chocolate cakes. Get your kids involved in gathering these ingredients and making these delicious cupcakes which are actually baked in a cup!


  • All purpose flour (maida) – 4 tablespoons
  • Brown sugar or regular sugar – 2 tablespoons
  • Baking powder – ¼ teaspoon
  • Milk – 3 tablespoons
  • Vanilla essence – a few drops
  • Vegetable oil – ½ tablespoon
  • Chocolate chips – 2 tablespoon (you could use berries for a berry cake or dehydrated fruit for a fruit cake)


  • Take a mixing bowl and get your kids to mix all the ingredients together except the chocolate chips or fruit or berries. Ask the kids to give it a nice whisk which they would love doing.
  • Have your kids add half the chocolate chip/fruit/berries to this batter and gently stir it in the mixture.
  • Take 3-4 small microwavable cups and have the kids divide this batter between the cups. Garnish with the remaining chocolate chips/berries/fruit.
  • Microwave for 2 minutes and your delicious cake-in-a-cup is ready.
  • Let it cool down and enjoy with a glass of milk.

#5. Scrambled Eggs

  • Scrambled eggs are easy to make and delicious and nutritious to eat. For vegetarian who only eat eggs but no meat, eggs are a great source of protein and Vitamin D and essential for growing children.
  • Vitamin D especially is not found in too many other vegetarian foods.
  • The part kids most enjoy about this recipe is the cracking of egg and they would love to make it themselves for breakfast or a quick snack.


  • Eggs – 2
  • Milk – 2 tablespoons
  • Cheese – 2 tablespoons, shredded
  • Mix veggies (optional) – 2 tablespoons of onions, carrots, bell peppers – finely chopped
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  • Heat a non-stick pan. Your kids will need assistance and monitoring at this stage.
  • Optional step – sauce the veggies in a little bit of butter.
  • Ask your kids to crack the eggs in a bowl and whisk them with the milk.
  • Put this whisked mixture in the heated pan. Add the cheese and the salt and pepper.
  • Have the kids scramble this mixture around with a wooden spoon until all the eggs are cooked.
  • The kids can enjoy the scrambled eggs with a parantha or toasted bread for a delicious and fulfilling meal.

Also read: 11 Delicious Milkshake Recipes For Weight Gain In Kids

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