Reasons for Hair Fall during and after Pregnancy

Reasons for Hair Fall during and after Pregnancy

It’s really disheartening to see your beautiful hair wilt away like that. Surprisingly, some women DO NOT experience any hair fall during pregnancy while some go almost BALD! Since each pregnancy is unique, you might have experienced hair fall during your first pregnancy and might not get any during the second one.

FACT: The status of your nails would pretty much be the same as your hair. Yes, so if you’ve got thick beautiful hair in pregnancy, your nails would be strong too, but if your hair is falling and breaking, your nails would become brittle too!

Why do Women Experience Hair fall after Delivery?

Normally, i.e. when you’re non-pregnant, approximately 85-95% of your hair is in a growing stage while the remaining 15% is in a resting phase. Once the resting phase is over, these hair falls out when you brush or shampoo them, to be replaced by new hair. It is normal to shed about 100 strands of hair per day.

However, during pregnancy, the estrogen levels in the body are higher and this increases the duration of the growing stage. This means that most women enjoy a thick and luxurious mane of hair during pregnancy. After childbirth, the estrogen levels fall dramatically and lots of hair enters the resting stage. This makes you lose a lot more hair in a very short span of time.
Although all women do not experience excessive hair fall, many do.

Read: 9 Home Remedies to Reduce Hair Fall during and after Pregnancy

Is Hair fall Normal?

Although some hair fall is normal during pregnancy and postpartum, if you notice too much hair leaving your scalp, it’s definitely a cause for concern. Your hair hasn’t completely stopped growing but during pregnancy and postpartum, hair goes through a resting phase, which makes it fall out more. Let’s find out why this happens.

What Causes Hair Loss?

Hair fall could occur due to a variety of reasons. Pregnancy itself brings about a lot of changes in a woman’s body.

Reasons for Hair Loss during Pregnancy

#1. Hormonal changes

Pregnancy is a time of various hormonal changes. (Blame it on those guys!) The estrogen levels in your body increase while you’re pregnant and they facilitate hair growth but if there are hormonal imbalances in your body, your hair get affected by it.

#2. Genetic factors

Genetics plays a huge role in deciding the future of your hair. So, if your mother experienced hair loss during pregnancy or afterward, you too are most likely going to experience the same! Medications – Certain medications that are given during pregnancy may cause a side effect and lead to hair fall. These are usually anti-depressant medications to keep your blood pressure levels under control.

Read: Is It Safe To Get Waxed During Pregnancy?

#3. Due to birth control pills

Most of the women use some or the other form of birth control and the pill is one of the most sought-after methods but unfortunately, it has some side effects. There are two types of pills – the progesterone only pill and the combination pills that contain both progesterone and estrogen. These birth control pills make your hair go into the resting phase too soon and this leads to excessive shedding of hair, known as Telogen Effluvium Illnesses – If you suffer from diabetes, also called gestational diabetes or ringworm during the course of your pregnancy, you may also become prone to hair fall.

#4. Anemia

Decrease in the amount of Red Blood Cells in the body is perhaps the biggest cause of hair fall during pregnancy. Iron deficiency is very common during pregnancy and hair fall is one of the first signs of being anemic during pregnancy.

#5. Hypothyroidism

If the thyroid gland is underactive, it is called hypothyroidism and if it occurs during pregnancy, it plays havoc with the (Already disturbed!) hormonal balance of the body. This is also one of the major causes of hair fall.

#6. Lack of Vitamin B12 and/or Folic acid

Vitamin B12 is very important for hair and it helps to promote hair growth. Deficiency of Vitamin B12 causes hair growth to slow down. Folic Acid or Vitamin B9 is extremely important for cell development, tissue growth, and healthy brain development. Deficiency of folic acid in the body is often characterized by hair loss.

Reasons for Hair Loss after Childbirth

#1. Childbirth

The pregnancy hormone estrogen prolongs the growing phase of hair during pregnancy and once you’ve delivered your baby, the estrogen levels in the body decrease and this, in turn, makes the hair go back to the resting phase. This makes you lose these hair all at once. So, you need not worry!

#2. Use of Contraceptives

As discussed above, birth control pills are needed by most women after childbirth to prevent a pregnancy too soon. If your body is sensitive to hormonal changes, the hair loss is going to affect you even more.

#3. Insufficient nutrition

After childbirth, the mother’s body is weak and she is responsible for the nutrition and care of her newborn baby. If she receives insufficient nutrition while breastfeeding her baby, it can affect her health and consequently result in hair fall.
Pay heed to your diet for the health of your baby and your own health!

Read: Is it Safe to Color My Hair During Pregnancy?

Will my Hair ever get back to Normal?

It really is an irony that after having such a lustrous and thick hair during pregnancy, when, finally your little one is with you, you start losing all your hair! For most women, this is a temporary situation and the hair gets back to its normal growth cycle by the time your baby is a year old.

What can I do to make my Hair look Dense?

Don’t allow your hair to spoil your entire look and your mood! Here are a few ways to make your hair look dense:

#1. Get a New Haircut

This is perhaps the easiest thing to do. Cut all those dead and limp tresses at the bottom which make your hair look thin. Go for a chic new haircut with hair that frames the face.

#2. Scalp Massage

Massage your scalp regularly using some essential oils, in order to increase the circulation of blood to the roots. This will provide the required moisture to your scalp and keep it nourished.

#3. Change the way you Style

Try a different parting or tie your hair in a different way so that it looks dense.

#4. Eat a Healthy Diet

While you’re losing hair and might also be breastfeeding, make it a point to eat a healthy and nutritious diet so that your hair gets all the required nutrients.

#5. Avoid Stress

Stress is one of the biggest reasons for hair loss so try and don’t fret over it much as it will only make matters worse.

Also Read: 11 Remedies For swollen feet during pregnancy

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