These 5 Mood Swings Are The Most Common Ones

These 5 Mood Swings Are The Most Common Ones

During pregnancy, women can experience mood swings that go from happy to weepy without any “obvious” reasons. However, there is no need to stress about it as it is completely normal because of the changing hormones. These mood swings are bound to increase as the due date approaches and sometimes these mood swings continue even after one gives birth.  Don’t second guess yourself and wonder if there is anything with yourself as what you are experiencing is normal. Most women experience one or the other of the following mood swings.

5 Most Common Mood Swings During Pregnancy:

#1. Feeling depressed and happy and then again depressed

If you feel like your mood is behaving like a pendulum and you’re alternating between feeling depressed and happy – place the blame squarely on your raging hormones. Hormones control the functioning of neurotransmitters of our brain thus any change in hormones can lead to fluctuations in your mood. It’s absolutely normal to feel energized and optimistic one day and depressed and irritated the other. There may be times when you feel extremely happy about your pregnancy and at times you may feel unsure about it. Please know that this in no way means that you love your baby any less.

A word of caution: If your depression lasts for a week or more, then do check in with your doctor.

Also Read: 11 Remedies For swollen feet during pregnancy

#2. Feeling absent-minded all the time

‘Pregnancy brain’ is a real thing! Go tell your husband that! When you’re pregnant, you’re bound to get absent-minded and forgetful. The loosening of your joint ligaments can cause you to drop things when you least expect to. Take this time to let your hair down and relax. Let work and chores take a back seat.

#3. Feeling irritated, angry and getting ticked off easily

You’re making a brand new human being – that’s going to require some amount of hard work, right?  Even when you’re resting during pregnancy the energy being burned is almost same as that being used by someone working out at the gym. Add to this the fluctuating hormonal changes, the shifting center of gravity (yes, it can happen – it’s a real thing!) causing you to become clumsier – and all this just topped with some gassiness, acid reflux and swollen legs. Given the circumstances, it is bound to happen that your mood will fluctuate between a happy high and a sad low. But don’t worry mommies – it’s completely normal to feel this way.

Also Read: 21 Home Remedies to get rid of pregnancy stretch marks

#4. Urge to clean everything

As mommies, we want the very best for our kids. So, it’s bound to happen that when preparing prepping for their arrival, moms get this urge to clean everything around. Even bird do this! That’s why it’s called the Nesting Syndrome. Birds, when preparing to lay eggs, will make a nest with the softest materials possible. As, humans our basic instincts coming into play. All this cleaning is good for your baby too. It’s Mother Nature’s way of ensuring that your little one comes into a safe environment when it’s immunity is at a low.

A word of caution though. Don’t climb onto stools or chairs in your attempt to clean the top shelves or ceilings. Learn to delegate it to others. And if it’s going to involve a whole lost of dust then it’s better you stay away or use a hanky to cover your nose.


#5. Feeling helpless and unable to cope with all of the above

If you didn’t get the message so far, let me state it again. Mood swings are completely normal during pregnancy. Don’t lose heart if you think things are getting out of hand. Use the following tips to manage your moods better.

  • Talk it out: If it’s your first pregnancy then your dear husband is as confused as you are. He’s at a loss himself and may not be knowing how to help you out. He may even be scared to say anything to tick you off. So, sit down and have talk it out with him. Let him know that this is what you’re feeling right now – and you just need him to hold you close.
  • Don’t Stay All by yourself: Go out with friends, or take a walk. Walking can change your mood and be highly refreshing. When you’re upset walking acts as a great mood booster. If you have any other mommy friends your society or neighbourhood then join them in taking a stroll or even a spa day!
  • Meditate: Meditate and do some deep breathing as it will help you stay calm. Practising deep breathing will also help you to cope with labor when the time comes.
  • Watch or Read Something Humorous: Read about the antics of Jeeves or watch a comedy TV programme – whatever floats your boat!
  • Nibble Away: When you’re burning through so much energy there are bounds to be dips in your blood sugar levels. And hunger can tick anyone off – really! So, have healthy snacks regularly throughout the day. If you have a sweet tooth then choose healthy and sweet fruits like mango or bananas.

Also Read: 8 Things to Consider while Choosing the Right Gynecologist for You

If you feel that you are becoming over anxious and are just not able to cope with your mood swings – then please do visit your doctor and discuss your feelings. PPD or Postpartum Depression is not a taboo subject anymore and many mothers experience this just after delivery. Timely medical intervention can help to overcome this problem – so don’t be afraid to seek the help you need.

What mood swings did you have during your pregnancy? Are you feeling low right now? Share below!

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