7 Home Remedies to treat Ringworm

7 Home Remedies to treat Ringworm

The word ringworm immediately conjures the unpleasant picture of worms crawling about. Despite its name, a ringworm infection is not a worm infestation, but a type of skin infection caused by a fungus called “Tinea”. This fungi most commonly grows in the dead tissues of the skin, hair, and nails, though it can occur on any part of your body and is referred to by different names. When it occurs between the toes, it is called athlete’s foot. If it occurs in the groin area, it is known as jock itch. Causes of ringworm

  • Ringworm is a contagious infection and may spread in the following ways:
  • Due to contact with another infected person.
  • Ringworm is common in pets. Precaution should be taken to wash hand after grooming pets.
  • By touching objects which have the ringworm fungus like clothes, towels, and in combs and brushes.
  • From walking barefoot on soil which is infected with ringworm fungus.
Symptoms of ringworm
  • Red, scaly patch or bump on the infected part of the skin.
  • Itching in the infected patch.
  • A ring or circle-shaped patch forms at the infected area of skin which may turn into several rings.
  • The inside of the circular patch is usually clear or scaly. The outside might be slightly raised and bumpy.
  • Ringworm on your scalp starts as a bump or sore which turns flaky and scaly.
  • The scalp may feel tender and sore to the touch.
  • Hair starts falling out in patches.
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7 Home Remedies to treat effectively treat Ringworm:

#1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider Vinegar has effective antifungal properties against fungal infection. To treat ringworm with apple cider vinegar, soak a cotton wool pad in the undiluted, organic, apple cider vinegar and wipe it on the affected area. Repeat up to 3 times a day to see results.

#2. Tea Tree Oil

Research suggests that tea tree oil could be useful for treating fungal infections like ringworm as well as athlete’s foot and nail fungus. To treat ringworm with tea tree oil, wash and dry your skin. Use a clean cotton ball, Q-tip, or cloth to apply a few drops of tea tree oil to your skin. Cover the entire infected area with the oil. If your skin is sensitive and you experience severe stinging sensation, you can dilute the tea tree oil with a little bit of warm water before use. For ringworm on the scalp, apply a few drops of tea tree oil directly to the affected area. Alternatively, you can mix a few drops into your shampoo and wash your hair and scalp with it.

#3. Turmeric

Turmeric is one of the most powerful medicines nature has to offer. Apart from anti-inflammatory properties, it is also an effective anti-fungal agent inhibiting the growth of fungus. To use, make a paste of fresh, organic, turmeric powder with a few drops of water. Spread this paste over the infected area of your skin and let it dry before wiping. Turmeric may temporarily stain your skin yellow.

#4. Licorice (Mulethi in Hindi)

Licorice has powerful antimicrobial properties and has been used in Indian and Chinese medicine since ancient times. Licorice powder can be used as an effective home remedy for ringworm and other fungal infections. Mix 3 tablespoons of powdered licorice in a cup of boiling water. Let the mixture reduce to half to a paste-like consistency. Once cool, apply it to the affected areas and leave to dry before wiping off. Repeat twice a day for effective results. Also Read: 5 Home Remedies to get rid of worms in Kids

#5. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is one of the best natural remedies for bacterial and fungal infections. It can effectively soothe ringworm inflammation providing relief from the burning and itch. Apply fresh Aloe Vera Gel to the infected area and let it dry completely. Do this at least three times a day to effectively treat the ringworm infection.

#6. Neem

Since ancient times, all parts of the neem plant have been used for their effective medicinal properties. Treating ringworm is no exception. To treat ringworms, use neem leaves. Simply apply some crushed neem leaves and their juice to the affected area and let it dry naturally. By doing this you should be able to get rid of the infection within a few days. A paste of neem leaves will also help cure any other skin irritations and restore the natural luster of skin.

#7. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has both microbial and antifungal properties that can help treat ringworm infections. Certain fatty acids found in coconut oil may kill fungal cells by damaging their cell membranes. As it is easy to apply to the scalp and an effective hair conditioner, coconut oil could be an ideal treatment for scalp ringworm. To use, apply warm coconut oil directly to the affected area at least three times a day. It will absorb into the skin quickly and not just fight the infection but also provide relief from the irritation and itching by soothing the skin. Other precautions to observe to keep ringworm infection at bay:
  • Keep yourself clean and dry.
  • Regularly wash bedsheets and pillowcases.
  • Change your socks and underwear every day.
  • Don’t share clothes or towels with anyone.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water after playing with or grooming your pets.
  • Wear flip-flops in locker rooms and public showers which are damp and hence a perfect breeding ground for fungus.
Remember, you could try these home remedies for a week to 10 days to see results. If your symptoms do not clear in that time or you experience any aggravated itching, redness or the condition worsens, discontinue these remedies and seek your doctor’s advice immediately. Want to share your mommy experience with other moms through words or images? Become a part of the Moms United community. Click here and we will get in touch with you
