7 Useful Homemade Solutions For Treating Gum Infections

7 Useful Homemade Solutions For Treating Gum Infections

Oral hygiene plays an important role in maintaining the overall health of your toddler. Whether it is the regular teething process or infections like oral thrush or gingivitis – issue like these could lead to adverse effects on your baby’s oral health. Unlike adults, infants are unable to express their discomfort.. A parent should not neglect a toddler’s oral health as it affects their eating and sleep patterns, both of which dampen their mood and affect their health negatively. Three stages of gum infections

  • Gingivitis
  • Periodontitis and
  • Periodontal Disease Progresses
The first two types of gum infections can be treated with proper dental care but it can become difficult to manage if it reaches an advanced stage. Untreated gum diseases can cause bleeding and can further damage the tissues and bones. These can also lead to tooth loss as the child grows older.

Home Remedies to Treat Gum Infections in Toddlers

In this blog, we have listed 7 easy and effective home remedies that can help you in treating any such gum related infections.

#1. Vitamin C

Vitamin C has been used in treating gum inflammation since time immemorial! From sailors who used to suck on lemons to prevent root canal bleeding, we have definitely come a long way in treating the issue related to gum infections with foods rich in Vitamin C. You can give your child lemons, oranges, grapefruit juice for relief from inflammation of gums.

#2. Aloe Vera

Apply fresh aloe vera pulp on the infected area and let it dry for an hour. Once it has dried, rinse your child’s mouth. . Although aloe vera has a bitter taste,its efficiency in treating gum infections is exemplary. Aloe vera’s antimicrobial and antifungal properties prevents the accumulation of plague causing bacteria and provides a soothing effect on the gums.

Also Read: Health Benefits of Tilasmi Moti for babies

#3. Baking Soda

This good old remedy never failed to disappoint! Thanks to the neutralizing effect of baking soda on gums, its application on gums after mixing it with a little warm water reduces gum diseases effectively.

#4. Honey

Surprised? Well, so were we when we found out. Usually, when someone complains of gum infections or diseases, they are told to stay away from anything sugary. . But, in this case, honey can be applied directly to the gums of toddlers. Asking why? Because of its antibacterial properties acts as a natural gum soother. Thanks to its sweet taste, your tiny tot will not even complain while you apply honey on the infected area. Read: 11 Home Remedies to soothe the painful gums during teething

#5. Tea Bags

Apart from serving the purpose of making instant tea, these tiny packets provide the much-needed relief during gum inflammation as well. All you need to do is put a tea bag into boiling water. Once it cools down, you can apply it to the infected gums for 5 minutes or longer. It is a lesser-known fact that tea consists of tannic acid which plays a pivotal role in reducing gum inflammation.

#6. Tomato

Tomatoes consist of carotenoids and bioflavonoids -both of which are anti- inflammatory substances that help in reducing chronic pain in gums. You can use tomatoes in the form of soup or a simple paste that can be applied on bread and given to your child for consumption.

#7. Turmeric

Turmeric is a common spice, which is found in every Indian household. One of the reasons it is called a super spice is because it’s used in almost every dish that we make and is also considered to be the best remedy for issues like cuts, wounds, a sore throat along with treating gum infections. All you need to do is make a turmeric paste with water and apply it on the infected gums of your infant. The anti-inflammatory properties of this herb act as a natural pain reliever. The 7 home remedies mentioned above have been selected by us, keeping in mind the availability and effectiveness of the ingredients. You can repeat these remedies twice or thrice a day, depending upon the severity of the issue. However, if the pain ceases to decrease, do not wait to take your child to a nearby dental specialist. You might also like: Pacifier and Soothers: A complete Guide Want to share your mommy experience with other moms through words or images? Become a part of the Moms United community. Click here and we will get in touch with you
