If You Know How To Do These 7 Things, You Are A Great Parent

If You Know How To Do These 7 Things, You Are A Great Parent

Raising a child is no walk in the park. From the physical, to the psychological, and the intellectual development of the child, you as a parent, are responsible for everything. As new parents, this experience can be extremely gratifying, yet overwhelming at the same time.

Here are 7 skills that you need to master as parents to make your job simpler.

#1. How to put the child to sleep

For most new parents, this can be a nightmare. When babies are less than 3 months of age physical contact is the best way to get them to relax and fall asleep. Hold your baby close to your body and rock him or her from side to side. Put the baby in the crib or bassinet only after she is fast asleep.Swaddling also help the babies to sleep comfortably. As they grow older, tiring out your toddler through some physical activity such as cycling or playtime in the park, often works out to be a great solution. However, make sure the physical activity is supported by a wholesome, satiating meal so that there is uninterrupted sleep time at night. Otherwise, the child will remain restless throughout the night.

Related: 11 Tips to Set Bedtime Routine for Babies & Kids

#2. How to change a diaper

Dr. Linda Dockery from the Loma Linda Medical University in California breaks down the diaper changing process in 14 seconds to make sure you can get it done easily

  • Take the diaper off and wipe the baby using the front of the diaper, from front to back – Takes 4 seconds.
  • Place the diaper under the baby and use baby wipes to clean thoroughly – Takes 5 seconds.
  • Hold the legs up with one hand and get the fresh diaper in place with the other – Takes 3 seconds.
  • Fasten the tabs to secure the diaper in place – Takes 2 seconds.

#3. How to get your baby to stop crying

Having a baby who is wailing in a public place or in the middle of the night is enough to give most parents a nervous breakdown. Crying is a way for children to communicate. According to author, Elizabeth Parley, author of ‘Gentle Baby Care’, “Parents can learn to recognize different cries as if they are spoken words”. Your baby will have a different pattern of crying for each need. Paying attention to your baby will help you understand the pattern better. The more prompt you are in fulfilling the baby’s needs, the less desperate the cry will become.

Also Read: Pacifier and Soothers: A complete Guide

#4. How to answer your child’s questions

Children say some of the weirdest things at the most weir of moments taking you by surprise. If you have a toddler who is 4 years old or just under, you will know that they ask the strangest questions. Studies show that an average 6 year old can ask close to 300 questions a day. When you answer their questions, make sure that you are logical. If you don’t know the answer to a certain question, ask your child for some time to look up the answer. Make sure you get back to that question.

When a child asks you questions about how babies are made or other subjects that make you cringe, it is important for you to get to the facts and keep them simple. Notice your child’s expression. If he or she is starting to look uncomfortable, you are probably getting into gory details. Take a step back and try to make it easy for them to understand.

#5. How to keep the child entertained

When you become a parent, you need to make sure that you have dedicated play time with your child. Playing is one of the most important bonding activities and also helps your toddler develop various skills such as hand eye coordination and fine motor skills. Regular visits to the park or any outdoor space is vital for the development of your child. In case of a rainy day, make sure that you have several DIY kits available at your home . You can buy them online or even make them at home quite easily. If you can master the art of storytelling, you can be sure that your little one will never be bored again.

#6. How to get them to eat

Ensuring good nutrition for your child is your biggest responsibility. If you have a fussy eater on your hands, think of making food interesting. Try to add a healthy twist to your child’s favorite junk food. It is important to ensure every meal covers the five essential nutrients – carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, and vitamins. Kids love colorful food items on their plate. Variety is the key. Plan surprise elements in regular food every now and then to keep your kiddo interested.

Also Read: 21 Weight Gain Foods for Babies

#7. How to discipline the child

Child psychologists insist that children respond best to logic and consistency. Never hit your child to discipline her. It only shows your inability to talk and reason out. It also sets a very poor example, something your little one will always remember. Instead, talk to your child. When you tell your child that certain behavior is not acceptable, also make sure you tell them why. Kids need to know from the beginning that bad behavior will have consequences. It could be no playtime, alone time in the room, or a trip being cancelled. Whatever it is, it must be consistent until a certain type of behavior stops. Make sure your partner is in sync with the rules and does not bend them behind your back.

The most important thing in rearing a child is consistency. Work around routines and patterns. Children find this comforting and develop a sense of reliability through familiar systems they grow up with.

Read: 25 Essential Habits that Parents must Teach their Kids

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