Fourth Month Pregnancy : Care, Diet, Symptoms & Foetus Changes

Fourth Month Pregnancy : Care, Diet, Symptoms & Foetus Changes

The fourth month is like a new season in your pregnancy. The body is getting used to the hormonal changes, leaving you feeling a little more “normal”. You feel more energetic and are actually able to enjoy the fact that the risks of miscarriage are fewer from this trimester. Let us explore the different changes that you will experience in fourth month of pregnancy.

Fourth Month Of Pregnancy: Bodily Changes in the Mother

The baby is growing and so is your belly. But this is an exciting time as you will begin to feel flutters of movement as the baby twists and turns in the womb.

  • Weight: This is when your appetite will increase and you will actually begin to “eat for two”. Weight gain is normal and is due to the growing baby as well. The blood volume is also high. While the weight gain in the fourth month is significant, you need to make sure that you keep an eye on it. Abnormal weight gain such as 500g- 1 kg a week can be a sign of complications like preeclampsia which must be notified to your doctor.
  • Hormones: The levels of estrogen increase steadily in the fourth month. While you are getting used to the hormonal changes, rising estrogen levels might lead to darkening of spots on the skin and darkening of the nipples.
  • Breasts become tender and sore: You will experience tenderness and soreness in your breasts. The veins become more prominent as the breasts continue to enlarge.
  • Skin and hair will change: The hormones will have an effect on your hair and skin. The effect is different for each woman. Some may notice thickening of hair while others will experience hair loss. The skin and hair may become oiler or can even become extremely dry. Unevenness in the skin tone is extremely common.
  • Increased blood flow: As the amount of blood produced by the body increases, you will experience symptoms like nosebleeds, stiffness in the nose and even bleeding gums.
  • Edema: Swelling of the ankles, feet, and face is normal during this stage. It is a good idea to take ample rest. Keep yourself active and avoid sitting or standing for too long.
  • Sleep: It does become harder to sleep as the baby grows in size. Sleeping on the left with cushions between the legs and under the belly is known to improve the quality of sleep.


Fourth Month Of Pregnancy: Developmental Changes in the Baby

The changes that take place in the baby in the fourth month are as follows:

  • Size: The baby is about 6 inches long and weighs close to 5-6 ounces.
  • Movement: The baby moves 4-5 times every hour in the fourth month. The mother experiences a bubbling feeling or flutter in the stomach, which is called quickening movement.
  • Facial features: The eyes, nose, and hair become more prominent and the outer ears start to develop.
  • Lungs: The lungs start to develop but are not as functional as respiratory organs.
  • Musculoskeletal system: The bones and muscles continue to develop. The tail, which is apparent in the first trimester completely, disappears.
  • Organs: The kidney is fully functional at this point. The heart is beating and continues to develop.
  • Other changes: The fingerprints become unique. A protective layer of hair develops on the body. The arms and legs are able to flex at this stage as well.

Fourth Month Of Pregnancy: Pregnancy Symptoms

  • Heartburn
  • Constipation
  • Shortness of breath
  • Morning sickness
  • Vaginal discharge

Fourth Month Of Pregnancy: Things to Take Care of

Take good care of yourself in the fourth month of pregnancy with these simple tips:

General Health:

  • Foods that are rich in iron such as nuts, meat, tofu, and dark green leafy vegetables are a must.
  • Foods rich in calcium are vital as the baby’s bones are developing. They also keep your bones stronger to bear the growing weight of the baby.
  • Fiber-rich foods prevent constipation. This includes a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Makes sure that you are getting all the vitamins and minerals required for the baby.
  • Keep yourself active.
  • Avoid taking baths that are too hot as they may affect the baby.
  • Take ample hygiene measures to prevent any infections.

Prenatal Check-Up

  • Weight and blood pressure must be checked.
  • Foetal heartbeat is monitored.
  • In the 16th or 20th week, an ultrasound is recommended to check the development of the baby.
  • An Alpha-fetoprotein test is offered at week 16 to check for any chromosomal condition.
  • Amniocentesis is another test that is recommended to check for any abnormalities. This is usually recommended in very rare conditions, such as the age of the woman being over 35 years or more.


Fourth Month Of Pregnancy: FAQs

When will the movement of the baby become evident?

You will feel the quickening movement around the 16th week of your pregnancy. Some may feel it as early as the 7th or 8th week.


Is it alright to visit the salon during pregnancy?

Yes. However, any chemical product that is used on the body is a potential hazard when you are pregnant. Treatments like hair color or nail painting must be avoided. Choose salons that use natural and organic products to ensure safety.


How to ease constipation?

Eat foods that are rich in fiber. You can also ask your doctor to provide you with stool softeners or similar medication to ease this condition.

Read Also: Is It Safe To Get Waxed During Pregnancy?

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