How Much Formula Milk Should My Baby Drink? (0-7 Month Baby)

How Much Formula Milk Should My Baby Drink? (0-7 Month Baby)

There are no set rules for how much formula your baby needs to drink. It depends on quite a few factors like, the baby’s weight, age, and appetite. The quantity of formula will also vary if the baby is being fed breast milk or solids along with it.

However, there are some basic guidelines and a few tips to help you understand how much and how often to feed formula milk to your munchkin.

Food Chart for Formula Fed Baby

Newborn to One Month (0 to 1 Month) :

Formula feed in the first week after the baby is born should be as per the baby’s demand. From the next week onwards, it is important not to overfeed the baby. This will ensure that baby maintains a healthy weight.

The size of the baby’s stomach is small and most of them would want to get fed after every two hours. Offer 30 to 90 ml of formula every two to three hours. Gradually work this up as the demand goes up because of growth spurts but refrain from forcing the baby to have more than he wants.

One to Three Months (1 to 3 Months) :

Most babies double their birth weight by 3 months. Their stomach grows bigger and they need fewer bottles in a day with more formula in it. They would be consuming about 5-7 bottles with 120 to 150 ml of formula in it through a day.

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Three to Four Months (3 to 4 Months) :

3-4 month old babies need around 180 to 210 ml of formula milk per feeding in a duration of 24 hours.

Four to Six Months (4 to 6 Months) :

By this time the baby could be drinking around 180 to 240 ml of formula per feeding in a day.

Though he may be drinking around 180 to 240 ml of formula, the total intake of the formula should not go up by more than 32 ounces (approx 960 ml) for a day. This is the upper daily intake for babies of 6 months or lower, recommended by American Academy of Pediatrics.

Six to Seven Months (6 to 7 Months) :

This is an important phase since solids are introduced for most babies after they cross the 6 months mark. If that’s the case with your baby too, scale down the amount of formula he is being fed a bit. Babies should not be dependent on solids in this phase. It should only be used as complementary foods and most of the child’s nutrition should come from either breastmilk or formula milk.

They would be consuming around 180 to 240 ml of formula milk per bottle in a day depending on how well the baby is responding to solids.

Read more: 5 Best Formula Powders if You can not Breastfeed your Child

Seven Months to One Year:

The baby is most likely to maintain the 5-6 bottle of 180 to 240 ml formula per day until his first birthday supplemented with the baby food. If he demands more than that on a constant basis, you should consult the doctor.

Baby Formula Milk Feeding Chart....

3 Signs to Ensure Your Baby is Getting the Right Amount of Formula Milk

There are a few things you can check to make sure that you are feeding your baby the required amount of formula:

#1. Steady Weight Gain:

The baby should gain weight after the first two weeks and then continue to gain weight steadily for the first year when given the right amount of formula.

#2. Wet Diapers:

The baby should wet at least 5 to 6 disposable diapers or 6 to 8 cloth diapers in a day.

#3. Happy & Satisfied:

The baby seems happy and satisfied after the feeding.

Also read: Is Homeopathy safe for Babies?

5 Tips to Feed the Right Amount of Formula

How much formula milk should my baby drink? (formula diet plan)Image Source: Contented Baby

  1. Feed a baby only when he is hungry and not because he is unhappy, bored, or wants your attention.
  2. A baby does not always cry due to hunger. So, do not go for the bottle immediately when you find your baby whimpering, especially after a feed.
  3. Some babies just need extra sucking after a meal. Offer them a pacifier, not a bottle.
  4. Vomiting (not spitting) after a feeding may be a sign that the baby got over-fed.
  5. Each baby is different and the intake will vary from feeding to feeding. One should neither force-feed the extra formula nor leave the baby smacking her lips for more.

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If you are still worried and not sure if your baby is having too much or too little of formula, consult with your doctor as they can check the baby’s weight and growth and advise you accordingly.

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