3 Most Effective ingredients to treat Colic and Gas in Babies (without drops or medicine)

3 Most Effective ingredients to treat Colic and Gas in Babies (without drops or medicine)

When my daughter was born and she had colic, I used to get really panicky. I would soothe her, rock her and try to make her stop crying but nothing used to work. The first thing I used to do was to try feeding her as I thought she was crying due to hunger. I would then check her diaper and lastly try to make her sleep. When nothing used to work, I would check her entire body if she’s been bitten by a mosquito or an insect. It was only after a few days, I got to know that it was colic. I then tried many home remedies but they did take some time to show their effect.

Click here to see 100% Safe and Effective way to treat colic or gas

Most of the times, colic is caused due to gas in the intestine but there are certain other causes of colic also. Let’s take a look.

What causes the colic/indigestion in Babies?

#1. A developmental stage in which babies come to terms with the changes and sensations of coming into the world from their mother’s womb.

#2. Overstimulation of nervous system due to the commotion in baby’s surroundings which makes them feeling overwhelmed.

#3. The weak digestive system of the baby doesn’t break the food easily, so the baby is unable to digest the food properly. This causes gas in the baby.

#4. Allergy and/or sensitivity to certain food items also triggers colic in babies.

#5. Exposure to tobacco or smoke also causes colic.

Click here to see how I cured gas and indigestion in my baby

3 Most Effective ingredients to treat Colic and Gas in Babies (without drops or medicine)

My friend who had a baby recently, also faced a similar situation but luckily, she got to know of a remedy called Easy Tummy Roll based on Hing & Fennel (Saunf) Oil, it gives instant relief from tummy discomfort.

Click here to see fast and effective Easy Tummy Roll On for Digestion and Gas Relief

The use of hing mixed with water rubbed around the navel to relieve from gas pain is a tried and tested remedy but this  Easy Tummy Roll has Hing oil along with fennel (Saunf) oil and ginger oil and it soothes soothes gas pain, stomach ache and bloating.

3 Most Effective Ingredients for indigestion are all present in this Tummy Roll

#1. Hing Oil has antiseptic and antibacterial properties which helps to cleanse the bowel. Hing oil is also known to solve gas problems and acid reflux.

#2. The Fennel (Saunf) Oil in this roll on has anti-colic properties which helps to reduce gas,  it also helps the baby to burp.

#3. Ginger Oil aids digestion and reduces gas.

In Addition it also has Peppermint Oil provides relief from heartburn and acidity and gives a cooling effect.

Click here to see  Easy Tummy Roll on for Digestion and Colic Relief, Hing and Saunf

The best thing about this roll-on is that it is 100% natural with no preservatives, alcohol or any harmful chemical. This is of great help to moms as you don’t want to use any product, full of harmful chemicals for your baby.

Giving too many medicines to a newborn is not a good practice as it can harm the liver of a baby.

Mamaearth Easy Tummy Roll On is dermatologically tested and is MadeSafe certified, which is an American Certification that is given to products which are made up of only natural ingredients. It is free of petroleum, mineral oils, synthetic perfumes, alcohol, SLS, and any artificial preservatives.

Click here to see 100% safe and toxin free tummy roll for gas treatment in babies

MamaEarth Easy Tummy Roll On is recommended to use for babies above 3+ months

How to Use Mamaearth Easy Tummy Roll On?

  • Open the cap and roll on directly on baby’s stomach around her navel area.
  • It should be applied 3-4 rounds across the navel.

3 Most Effective ingredients to treat Colic and Gas in Babies (without drops or medicine)

Image Source: bundoo

How often should it be applied in a day?

You can apply it twice to thrice a day. Can be used more as well when required. If the stomach pain is severe, it should be used every 20 minutes until the symptoms subside and then every couple of hours till your baby feels better.

Click here to see 100% natural and effective solution for baby colic

How do you know if your baby has colic?

While all the babies cry in general. There are a few symptoms to take into account if you feel your baby has colic. These are:

#1. The baby cries for more than 3 hours in a row on 3 or more days a week for at least 3 weeks.

#2. There is no apparent reason for the crying. The baby is neither hungry nor tired is his diaper is also clean.

#3. The baby often cries at the same time of the day, every day, and he/she is usually doing so in the evening.

#4. The baby’s cries are louder and more high-pitched than his normal cries.

#5. The baby starts and stops crying rather abruptly.

#6. The baby develops gas very frequently and his bowel movement also increases.

#7. Baby pulls up his legs, clenches his hands into tight fists and stiffens the abdominal muscles.

#8. The baby won’t calm down easily no matter what you do.

Click here to see the simple & effective solution to treat colic in babies

When to Call Your Doctor

3 Most Effective ingredients to treat Colic and Gas in Babies (without drops or medicine)

If your baby loses weight or doesn’t gain weight, doesn’t like to be touch or held, has diarrhea or blood in the stool, has breathing trouble, eats less than usual, fewer wet diapers than usual then she may have another health issue, so it’s better to consult with the doctor.

Take a look at the symptoms of colic so that next time, your baby suffers from colic, you can simply apply the Mamaearth Easy Tummy Roll On for Colic Treatment and relieve your baby of colic within minutes.

Click here to see 100% natural and effective solution for baby colic

3 Most Effective ingredients to treat Colic and Gas in Babies (without drops or medicine)

