7 Causes Of Delayed Periods And What You Should Do About It

7 Causes Of Delayed Periods And What You Should Do About It

For any woman, a missed period can be alarming. Well, it does not always have to be an indication of pregnancy. There are several other causes of delayed periods. Here are 7 of the most common causes of delayed periods and what you can do about it.

7 Causes Of Delayed Periods

#1. Stress

This is one of the most common causes of delayed periods. This does vary from one woman to the other. Some may not be affected by factors that are extremely stressful for others. For instance, a new role at your workplace with added responsibilities might change your menstrual cycle in some cases and may not have any effect at all in others. When you are stressed, the first region of the brain to get affected is the hypothalamus.
This region is responsible for regulating all the hormones in the body. Any changes in the hormonal levels can affect your menstrual cycle. What you can do: Indulge in stress-relieving activities such as meditation, yoga or even regular exercise. Try to avoid situations that cause extreme stress. Also read: Period Pain – Causes and 5 effective ways to relieve it

#2. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

When you have your periods, a mature egg is released from the follicles. Now, in each cycle, your ovaries develop five such follicles out of which one will release the egg. These follicles actually compete until the dominant one releases the egg. However, when you have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, you tend to have more follicles. This means that the process of releasing the egg also gets delayed as more follicles are competing. If the egg is not released, you will not have your period, making PCOS another one of the reasons for delayed periods. Your hormones are also imbalanced when you have PCOS, adding to the delay in the period. What you can do: Speak to your doctor for medication to help control the condition. A healthy lifestyle is a must to overcome PCOS.

#3. Fluctuation In Your Weight

Contrary to popular belief, sudden weight loss is one of the bigger reasons for late period in comparison to weight gain. If the fluctuation in weight is related to conditions like PCOS, especially, there is a chance that your period will get delayed. When you lose weight suddenly, your brain goes into a starvation mode. This means that the production of hormones can also get affected. In case of women hormones like the luteinizing hormone which regulate your ovaries are often affected, leading to a delay in your period. What you can do: Follow a healthy diet plan and engage in physical activity. Monitor your weight regularly. Also read: What to Expect from your Periods after Pregnancy

#4. Thyroid

If your thyroid is underactive or overactive, it could be one of the reasons for late period. The thyroid gland is responsible for all your metabolic activities, which in turn affects your hormone levels. What you can do: Thyroid can be managed with medication and once it the treatment is complete, your periods will be back to normal as well.

#5. Use of Birth Control

Starting to use or stopping the use of birth control is one of the causes of late periods. Birth control pills, especially, can lead to issues with your period as they contain hormones like estrogen that regulate the cycle. These hormones can prevent the egg from being released, causing issues. When you choose birth control measures such as IUDs, it can also lead to late periods and missed periods. What you should do: The first thing is to consider a pregnancy test if you have a delayed periods despite taking birth control. It is also a good idea to use measures like condoms to prevent pregnancy.

#6. Chronic Health Issues

Diseases such as diabetes can have an adverse effect on your menstrual cycle and are among the top reasons for delayed periods. When blood sugar levels rise rapidly, even the production of your hormones will be affected. There are also certain kinds of tumors that can affect the production of hormones in your body, causing delayed periods. What you can do: The only way to bring your menstrual cycle back to normal is to treat the underlying health issue causing it. Also read: 7 Home Remedies To Treat Irregular Periods

#7. Early Perimenopause

For most women, the symptoms of menopause will begin when they are between 45 to 55 years of age. If these symptoms are seen earlier, the condition is called early peri-menopause. These symptoms indicate that the production of eggs in your body has slowed down. As a result, you will experience delayed and missed periods.
What you can do: This condition is natural and it may eventually lead to a complete end to your menstrual cycle. However, if you experience these symptoms very early, you can consult your doctor. Also read: Periods After Pregnancy Want to share your experience as a mom with other moms through words or images? Become a part of the Moms United community. Click here and we will get in touch with you

