7 Wonderful Ways Of Becoming Your Child’s Best Friend

7 Wonderful Ways Of Becoming Your Child’s Best Friend

After the birth of our children, our world revolves around them. We always want to give our best to them. We want to them learn values of life, make them more disciplined and courteous, make them feel confident and shape them into the kind of adults we want them to be. We spend our time to inculcate all these values to them and sometimes forget that they are just little people with fragile minds! We just forget to BOND with our children! Raising children is not just about molding them into the adults we want them to be. It is just the parent-child bond that is required to nurture your child to grow into a wonderful human being. Sometimes, all that is required is to simply relate to your kids, enjoy and have fun with them. Everything you do with your child need not always be meaningful or educative. A closer bond with your child ensures that your child is happy, healthy and well-behaved. Like your career, the bond with your child flourishes only if you pay attention to it. Here are few ways through which you can bond with your child to ensure healthy and happy parent-child relationship throughout your life.

#1. Go for a walk together

Take your child for a long walk. There need not always be some goal or activity involved. Just a long walk observing the people around, show her the trees, talk about anything you both like. You can also take short walks to pick some groceries or to the park or to have your favorite ice-cream or snacks.

#2. Do any fun activity together

Do any activity that sounds fun for both of you. Play cricket at home or play jungle games or have a mock party…just anything to have fun. Let your hair down and enjoy the time with your child. Also Read: 9 ways to bring up your child if you are a single mom

#3. Read a book together

Pick up your child’s favorite book and read it together. You can also buy few new ones as books can be the best friends forever. Read the book with voice modulation and actions for more fun.

#4. Do your favorite hobbies together

Does your child have the same hobby as you? Or is he still to pick up a hobby? One of the best things you can do is introduce them to your hobby or participate in their interests. Enroll for an art or music or theatre or a physical activity class together. Discuss about your common hobbies. This is a very good way to provide your child more information about a particular skill. You can even attend a sports match or attend a music concert or visit an art exhibition together.

#5. Visit a zoo or a museum or a planetarium or a children’s play

Take a break from work and visit a zoo or go on a picnic to a nearby place. Just enjoy the break and bond with your child. You can also visit a museum or a planetarium in your city. Search if there are any children’s plays/concerts are being showcased in your city and attend them.

#6. Play games

Participate in any game that your child wants to play. Be it board game or a ball game, play with them just like their friends. You can even have your own set of rules for the game and make it more fun. Also Read: 5 things Mommy Kajol makes her kids do

#7. Show your silly side

YES. Go back to childhood and engage in silly and fun activities with your children. Have pillow fights or jump on the floor or paint each other’s faces. Do anything that is funny with your child.

#8. Listen

LISTEN. Though it is not an activity, listening to what your child says is very much important to bond with your child. Listen with attention to every little observation she makes around her, listen when she talks about her friends and teachers, listen to her if she wants to just say something to you…listening makes you your child’s close confidante and makes her trust you.

#9. Touch

No matter how old they grow, children will always like some form of physical touch. It gives them a sense of security and evokes feelings of love towards you. Pat on their backs when you appreciate them or put an arm around them when you introduce them. If they are very young, kiss and hug them and hold their hands every day. Dear Parents, as we nurture the bond with our children, it is easier to teach them good manners, discipline, and courtesies. It is also important that you build trust with your children. Never break your word given to them or to others. If trust is broken, it will be very hard for you to establish a bond with your kids. Also Read: How Dads Can Bond With Their Babies Rather than treating the upbringing of your child as a project, think it to be similar to nurturing a garden. You have to check the soil, add manure if required, prune it if needed, fence it as required and water it as needed. There is no set formula about the needs of either the garden or your child. A well-tended garden always blooms the best! A child who bonds well with the parents blossoms emotionally, physically and health-wise. Want to share your mommy experience with other moms through words or images? Become a part of the Moms United community. Click here and we will get in touch with you
